Wednesday, November 15, 2017

What a year its been!

Honestly, this has been the fastest year of my life, how a year has flown this quickly by I will never know.

But our lives are full, our hearts are bursting, we have such joy and such happiness every day, we are truly lucky. I'll remember these days forever.

I love you my beautiful family!

Happy First Birthday John Kelly, you make us all complete.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Look ma! I learned a new trick!

That's right! At 5 Months, 3 weeks and 4 days, little man can sit up without falling over!!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Bam! 5 months old!

My little man. Another month in the can, you are growing leaps and bounds.

You still give me that giant smile in the mornings when you wake up,  and help me start my day off perfectly. You are really getting into your toys, you can reach items that are hanging on your bouncy seat, mostly so you can get it into your mouth!! We don't see any teeth yet, but they cannot be far away with the way you are chewing and biting on everything in sight. You've finally started to share your smiles with men and not just women. Such a wonderful, sweet baby boy, my heart!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Izzy is 7!

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. Time Flies. Take your time, because before you know it, it's past. Time waits for no man.

Grown-ups have a thousand ways to try and express the fact that time will not slow down and that your life will one day be flying past you.  And for years and years we don't listen, we placate by saying, "Oh yeah, I know! Seems like only yesterday I was a carefree kid." Or, "Yeah, Grandma, I totally know what you mean. Can I turn on the TV now?"

But then, like a stack of bricks, it hits you, you are the grown-up. With the kids. And they are ignoring you, just like you did to your elders before. In the blink of an eye my first baby has turned seven. Just like that, like I gave birth and opened my eyes and she was a practically fully formed human with her own opinions and emotions and quirks and everything that happened between then and now is fairly blurry.

I mean, I've been awake for all this, I have, and been psychologically and emotionally present, at least to the best of my ability, but how have seven years blown by? She's amazing by the way, so I guess I did something right.


Happy Birthday my beautiful girl, you are so much more than I ever deserved, and amazing in every single way.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Man do these family and friends 

know how to give some good lovin!!


I'm feeling so special!


And now its time for a nap. Thanks everybody!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Look who finally decided to show up!

 Little man finally decided to show us his sweet face, exactly one week late. 
John Kelly 
7 lbs, 14 oz.
arrived at 10:40 am
 Daddy cutting the cord!! Didn't throw up at all!
 Look at those cheeks man, he was getting really well fed in there I guess!

First bath, sweet Nurse did a wonderful job, finally he wasn't stinky anymore!
Can't wait to get him home!